Maxim Massenkoff



Working Papers

Work in Progress




Google Scholar


I am an assistant professor at the Naval Postgraduate School. I work on topics in labor economics, crime, and behavioral economics.

Curriculum Vitae



Rubbing Shoulders: Class Segregation in Daily Activities

(with Nathan Wilmers)

Journal of Public Economics, 2025


Coverage: Washington Post, Bloomberg, The Economist, Planet Money, Marketplace

Family Formation and Crime

(with Evan Rose)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2024

NBER Working Paper No. 30385


Coverage: Marginal Revolution, Mother Jones, The Economist

An Emerging Racial Disparity in US Motor Vehicle Fatalities

(with Aaron Chalfin and Aartik Sarma)

JAMA Surgery, 2024


NBER version | Replication kit

Economic Outcomes of Strikers in an Era of Weak Unions

(with Nathan Wilmers)

Journal of Labor Economics, 2024


Replication kit | Working paper

Wage Stagnation and the Decline of Standardized Pay Rates, 1974-1991

(with Nathan Wilmers)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2023

Best Paper Award, Academy of Management OMT Division, 2020.


Online Appendix | AEA Research Highlight | Replication kit

Activity-adjusted crime rates show that public safety worsened in 2020

(with Aaron Chalfin)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022


Coverage: Washington Post, Slate

Working paper | Replication kit

Kill or die: Moral judgment alters linguistic coding of causality

(with Julian De Freitas, Peter DeScioli, Jason Nemirow, and Steven Pinker)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2017


Equity or equality? Moral judgments follow the money

(with Peter DeScioli, Alex Shaw, Michael Bang Petersen, and Robert Kurzban)

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2014


How universal is the Big Five? Testing the five-factor model of personality variation among forager–farmers in the Bolivian Amazon

(with Michael Gurven, Christopher von Rueden, Hillard Kaplan, and Marino Lero Vie)

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2013


Working Papers

Racial inequality in the U.S. unemployment insurance system

(with Daphné Skandalis and Ioana Marinescu)

NBER Working Paper No. 30252 | Summary at Washington Center for Equitable Growth


What happens in vagueness

(with Peter DeScioli, Kyle Thomas, and Steven Pinker)

Revise and resubmit, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization


Air pollution and birth weight: Evidence from extremely polluted places


Coverage: Marginal Revolution, Kevin Drum

Job search and unemployment insurance: New evidence from claimant audits


Selected work in progress

Impacts of Congestion Pricing in New York City

(with Jesse Rothstein and Reed Walker)

Pre-analysis plan | OSF Repository

Helping out the outsourced: A pre-registered evaluation of the New Jersey temporary worker bill of rights

(with Jesse Rothstein)


Pre-analysis plan | OSF Repository


Stata commands for self-documenting tables and figures

Stata commands that automatically add information about how and when a table or figure was created.

Regression table in R

R code to make a regression table with adjusted standard errors and outcome means.


Mistakey paper

Avi Feller and I wrote a problematic evaluation for his Program Evaluation course at the Goldman School. There are ten deliberate conceptual mistakes. (solutions)

Confusion Button

I made a confusion button that allows students to signal when they're confused in lecture. The lecturer page shows how many people press the button every minute. If you're curious to try this out in your class, email me and I'll be happy to set one up for you.

Website: Design by Xinyue Lin via Gautam Rao.